May batch X3 Pro Pre-order Shipping

May batch X3 Pro Pre-order Shipping

We are beyond excited to share the Wallke X3 Pro shipping update with you. 

All those who have an estimated delivery for Mid April are referred to as the first batch. If orders placed after April 5th,  it is referred to as the second batch.

April Batch Shipping Update:

The bikes had been arrived on our Chino warehouse. The pre-order will start shipping as the first batch approximatel on April 12-15th. 

May Batch Shipping Update:

The second batch of X3 Pro had been loaded in container.  

Estimated Time of Arrival:21/04/2021

Once they arrive, if all goes well, we hope to ship the second batch X3 Pro out in Early May. All the orders based on a “first come, first serve” principle, your order will be shipped sooner if you placed earlier.

$150 discount code: MayBatch (Only apply for the May Batch Preorder X3 Pro)

As we continue on our path, we’ll be sharing regular updates on our progress of the second batch X3 Pro. Hopefully as the business grows they can manage to solve these shipping problems.


Reading next

Shipping month has arrived!
The April batch had been shipped out

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